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Handle with care



The Handle with care necklace was made as a response to a design project by Swarovski. Swarovski challenged the participants to re-form, re-use, re-work, re-think a number of unsold pieces of jewellery or ornaments provided by Swarovski, transforming such pieces back into the circular economy. The starting point of Fabian’s design was the transformation of the everyday packaging symbols in connection with recycling and sustainability into a piece of jewellery. This way the wearer of the jewellery functions as a billboard and is transformed into an ambassador of sustainability. On this necklace the standard handle with care symbol of product packaging has been reinterpreted: as opposed to the often used symbol where Earth is being held by a pair of hands, here the wearer replaces the Earth, as in the future humanity might need to be saved sooner than the Earth does.

Photo: Guillaume Valli, Zeina Aref, Cemine Pipatkulcheewin, Sharon Majuki and Isabel Macarthy

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